The Perfect World of David Halliday

The Perfect World of David Halliday
Text edited and with an introduction by John Wood
Edition: 60 numbered copies
10 bound, plus 1 loose, silver gelatin prints
15 x 20 inches
Handcrafted in New England


Visit to view the available gum-over-platinum print by David Halliday.

David Halliday, I am certain, the greatest master of the still life that photography has yet produced. But more than that he is probably the great photographer of joy, as well. I am talking here of serious joy—not an armload of puppies, a kitten in a ladle of pasta, kissing children, or anything to which the word cute might be applied. Though joyful, his work has about it the seriousness of the spiritual. His imagery is constructed from many of life’s most perfect, simple, yet most elemental objects—the rose, the egg, the bottle of milk, the loaf of bread...Without the rose, how could we speak of love, of the mystical, or of anything that demands the notion of “flowering”? Without bread, what is our metaphor for the things we need to sustain us through life? And was it not that most symbolic yet most elemental of milks, the milk of human kindness, we first nursed at our mothers’ breasts’?...  -John Wood
